Make Git and SVN play nice together
Install git and svn
$ brew install git svn
Nice to have GUI tools for accessing git and svn repos
$ brew cask install laullon-gitx svnx
Initial step
It is probably a good idea to create a writable clone of the SVN repo that you can mess around with, until you are comfortable with pulling commits from the SVN server and pushing commits from your local git repo.
$ mkdir -p ~/tmp/test-svn
$ svnadmin create ~/tmp/test-svn
$ vim ~/tmp/test-svn/hooks/pre-revprop-change
#!/usr/bin/env bash
exit 0;
$ chmod +x ~/tmp/test-svn/hooks/pre-revprop-change
Initialise, sync and serve.
$ svnsync init file:///<root_path_to_svn_repo>/test-svn <remote_svn_repo_url>
$ svnsync sync file:///<root_path_to_svn_repo>/test-svn
$ svnserve -d --root <root_path_to_svn_repo>
Create the git clone
$ git svn clone svn://localhost/test-svn -s
or clone only a subset of the repository (shallow cloning):
$ git svn clone -r<svn_rev_num>:HEAD svn://localhost/test-svn -s
Now we have a git repo that is fully interoperable with the main svn repo.
Commit changes to SVN from Git repo
Do a rebase first to resync with the SVN server.
$ git svn rebase
Now we can push the changes to the SVN server.
$ git svn dcommit --username <username>
NOTE: –username switch may be optional in some cases.
Create a new remote branch (applicable to tags as well)
Firstly, copy trunk to the new branch.
$ svn cp http://<svn_url>/trunk http://<svn_url>/branches/<branch_name> -m "Created branch <branch_name>"
The new branch will be created, containing the copy of trunk. Note the revision number.
$ git svn fetch -r <rev_number>
$ git checkout -b <branch_name> remotes/origin/<branch_name>
Now we have created a new branch and have our local repository synced to it as well.